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Baby Blue Tongue Skinks $160 - sold
2023 Baby Ornate Monitors $40
18” 2023 CB black Throat Monitor 18” $600
20” Argus Monitor $350
Arizona Whiptail lizard $25 - sale 2/$25 - sold
Leopard Lizards $60
Common Horned Toad $100- sold
Desert Iguana - sold
Western banded gecko $20 - sold
Collard Lizards - $75
CB Bany Tokay geckos - adult Male Beautiful $100
Big Baby Halloween x Flame Crested Geckos $50
Gold Tegu $80
Sumatran RedBlood Python babies $125 -
CB baby Hybrid King Snakes $200 ask for photos and genetics Beautiful
CB 2022 Motley key west Boa 2’ $350 sale $200
CB 2023 fat Normal Ball Pythons $45 -
CB 2024 Ball Pythons 100% Het Pied 66% het Albino $45
CB 2019 Orange Dream Ball Python (M) $150 - sale $100
CB Pastel Clown (M) Ball Python 2022 $300 sale $200
California Banded B&W King Snake 2’ $100
2023 baby Pueblan Milk Snake (classic) $85
Glossy Snakes 18” $55
Turtles & Tortoises
Red foot Tortoises 4” $150
Yellow Foot Tortoise $275
CB baby Sulcata Tortoise $75
CB Leopard Tortoises $225 - $200
CB B-Grade leopard tortoise well started (missing eye) $125
Reptile Price list : Reptiles Price List
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